Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Middleton 2.0 is almost here

Some people have babies and call them "Junior" or "JR", I think I am leaning toward "2.0" since I am somewhat of a computer nerd and it just seems to be a better fit.

Some new details about Middleton 2.0 are emerging.

Middleton 2.0 will be a hybrid of Middleton 1.0 and Steele 1.0, combining brains with brawn to ensure completion of most any task. 2.0 will take the procrastinating of Middleton 1.0 and the anticipated, preemptive completion of tasks of Steele 1.0 and by utilizing synergy will complete processes exactly on time.

Middleton 2.0 will grow chronologically, starting with just a few processes, such as feeding, sleeping, pooping and eventually evolve into a platform that adds: working, playing, crying, fighting and many other exciting functionality.

Middleton 2.0 will require a high level of maintenance during the installation and set-up processes, but will eventually become a self-sustaining entity, providing many years of enjoyable experience, and become virtually hands-free.

Middleton 2.0 is anticipated to work closely with Tahmaseb 2.0, as there are many genetic similarities, due to both being half versions of Steele 1.0. Although they may appear very different on the outside, their inner workings will likely share many commonalities.

There are some negatives: 2.0 may not function well with canine 1.0 and feline 1.0 in the early stages, and eventually 2.0 will likely actively interfere with the processes of both canine and feline, up until the point that canine 1.0 and feline 1.0 are phased out, then will likely be replaced by canine 2.0 and feline 2.0. Although there are functionality issues in the early stages, Middleton 2.0 will likely become strongly attached to canine and feline.

Middleton 2.0 will interfere with scheduling tasks of Middleton 1.0 and Steele 1.0 and cause occasional crashes; activating other programs to reboot the whole Middleton system. Tahmaseb/Steele 1.0 will be most likely to intervene, as it shares the same directory as the Middleton/Steele system. Other systems that may intervene, in order of proximity are Steele 0.9, Fike 1.0, Middleton 0.9 and Frederickson 1.0. Any of these could be called upon for an occasional reboot.

The price of Middleton 2.0 will be available, shortly after introduction, most likely early fall. The maintenance costs will take approximately 18 years to tally, unless upgrades are considered after 18 years, in which FAFSA will determine actual outlay of capital. Middleton 1.0 and Steele 1.0 will cover this cost, providing benchmarks are exceeded, and Middleton 2.0 is performing well.


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